
We have an amazing team of trainers!

Dr Xenia I. Loizidou is a Civil/Coastal Engineer and Director of ISOTECH Ltd Research and Consultancy.

Workshop Title: Sustainability: the way forward for Business

As European and global economy navigates a landscape shaped by ever-evolving laws, market demands, and sustainability imperatives, the pressure on businesses and especially start-ups to adapt has never been greater. New regulations such as the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), the EU Taxonomy, and the Green Claims Directive, coupled with market push and shifting market dynamics, underscore the urgent need for proactive sustainability management strategies.

All these create challenges: maintaining compliance, meeting market expectations, and securing funding and investments.

As laws evolve and market trends rapidly shift, it's crucial to remain at the forefront. The fast-paced nature of the green shift is challenging but creates opportunities for businesses that have the knowledge and are bold and innovative to adapt fast to the new environment and embrace sustainability as an inherent part of their development.

Date: Thursday, 25 April 2024

Trainer's Short BIO

Dr Xenia I. Loizidou is a civil/ coastal engineer. For 30 years she has worked in more than 50 countries as an international expert and researcher in the fields of sustainability and solution based sustainable development strategies and policies, climate change, gender issues and stakeholder involvement in decision making. She believes in the importance of introducing innovation into research and development and implements non-conventional forms of action as the way towards sustainability.

She holds several offices and has received numerous international awards for her work on sustainability and climate change (eg the Iconic Woman Award by the Women Economic Forum/New Delhi, Ambassador of Mediterranean Coasts by UNEP, Member of the Compliance Committee of the Barcelona Convention, Executive Committee of the Cyprus Sustainable Development Network of UN, Senior Analyst ELIAMEP, the Greek Think Tank on European and Foreign Policy, External Experts Advisory Board of the European University Alliance EU Conexus etc).

She is the author/ co-author of more than 200 published papers in Scientific Journals, books and Technical Reports. She is co-founder of the engineering research-SME, ISOTECH Research and Consultancy, which has partners and projects in 30 countries. She is the mother of two daughters.

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